Located steps away from City Hall, this new center consolidates multiple programs under one roof, providing a welcoming and healing environment where vulnerable families experiencing the trauma of homelessness can access a myriad of interrelated and complementary housing and support services.
Amidst skyrocketing rents, Compass Family Services — through a public/private partnership and New Market Tax Credits — secured a new home in the heart of the City to sustain its mission to help homeless and at-risk families become stably housed, emotionally and physically healthy, and economically self-sufficient.
TEF worked closely with Compass to consolidate its administrative offices and three direct service programs — Compass Connecting Point, Compass SF HOME and Compass Clinical Services — into the compact building. Serving as a “one stop hub”, the renovation balances a number of priorities including security and safety, privacy, functional efficiency, and flexibility with clear wayfinding, uplifting transparency, and daylighting.
Careful configuration of spaces accommodate diverse programs needs, including case workers, attorneys, Compass leadership and staff, independent therapists, independent socials workers and clients including adults and children, in a setting designed to provide dignity and hope for each family’s future.